The Victoria LeBlanc Memorial Scholarship
After Luce passed away at the age of thirty-two from rare lung diseases on October 15, 2018, her former professors in the English and Theatre Arts Departments at Gallaudet University requested that a Memorial Scholarship be established in her name.
An endowment fund has been set up, and it will be fully endowed at $25,000 USD by 2025, if not sooner. See link:
Jill Bradbury, Former Chair English Department, Gallaudet University
After the fund is fully endowed, a scholarship will be available for outstanding Deaf students of English and/or Theatre Arts. This scholarship will be available “in perpetuity” — forever. Each year the amount of the scholarship will increase.
Ethan Sinnott, Head of the Theatre and Dance Program, Gallaudet University
Recipients of this scholarship will be assisted in pursuing their studies at Gallaudet, which has a long history of educating the Deaf. Studying at Gallaudet will open up amazing opportunities for Deaf students, who will thrive in a unique cultural environment in which the primary mode of communication is American Sign Language. Gallaudet is a place where students become empowered by Deaf role models, find their Deaf identity, and celebrate Deaf culture. It is a transformative experience for many. Luce was in her element at Gallaudet; she loved it and was utterly transformed by it.