Supporting ADWAS
Abused Deaf Women's Advocacy Services (ADWAS) is an essential organization providing necessary resources to the community. It was a group dear to Luce's heart.
We want to amplify this message from ADWAS, hoping that you will check them out, if you have not already, and that you will support them in recovering from the recent break-in, if you are able.
Message from ADWAS:
"Recently, ADWAS was broken into. Luckily, no one was hurt and there was no breach of confidential information. As a result, we have spent thousands of dollars to replace locks, keys, and enhance security doors. If anyone would like to help, please go to our website for more information. Thank you.
[Video Description: Eritrean-American woman with caramel-like skin tone, brown hair, brown eyes, and dimples. She is wearing a black shirt and signing in ASL. Transcript: During our 20th anniversary in 2006, we reached a milestone and opened “ A Place of Our Own”. This building has served a safe haven for many survivors and their families. We would like to share news that recently, we have had our building broken into. Many of our technology equipment was stolen. Technology equipment is vital to our work, so we can continue to provide services uninterrupted. Thankfully, no one got hurt and there was no breach of confidential information. If anyone would like to help, please go to our website. Thank you.]:"